An Efficient Transform from Sigma Protocols to NIZK with a CRS and Non-Programmable Random Oracle 2015 Y. Lindell In TCC 2015, Springer (LNCS 9014), pages 93-109, 2015. PDF
More Efficient Oblivious Transfer Extensions with Security for Malicious Adversaries 2015 G. Asharov, Y. Lindell, T. Schneider and M. Zohner. In EUROCRYPT 2015, Springer (LNCS 9056), pages 673-701, 2015. PDF
Adaptively Secure Computation with Partial Erasures 2015 C. Hazay, Y. Lindell and A. Patra. In ACM PODC 2015, pages 291-300, 2015. PDF
A Simpler Variant of Universally Composable Security for Standard Multiparty Computation 2015 R. Canetti, A. Cohen and Y. Lindell. In CRYPTO 2015, Springer (LNCS 9216), pages 3-22, 2015. PDF
Efficient Constant Round Multi-Party Computation Combining BMR and SPDZ. 2015 Y. Lindell, B. Pinkas, N. Smart and A. Yanai. In CRYPTO 2015, Springer (LNCS 9216), pages 319-338, 2015. PDF
Fast Garbling of Circuits Under Standard Assumptions 2015 S. Gueron, Y. Lindell, A. Nof and B. Pinkas In 22nd ACM CCS, pages 567-578, 2015. PDF
GCM-SIV: Full Nonce Misuse-Resistant Authenticated Encryption at Under One Cycle per Byte 2015 S. Gueron and Y. Lindell. In 22nd ACM CCS, pages 109-119, 2015. PDF
Blazing Fast 2PC in the Offline/Online Setting with Security for Malicious Adversaries 2015 Y. Lindell and B. Riva In 22nd ACM CCS, pages 579-590, 2015. PDF