
Yehuda Lindell

Head of Cryptography at Coinbase
Professor at Bar-Ilan University (on leave)

Yehuda Lindell


Head of Cryptography at Coinbase
Professor at Bar-Ilan University (on leave)

Brief Biography

I am the Head of Cryptography at Coinbase and a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Bar Ilan University (on leave). I received my Ph.D. in 2002 from the Weizmann Institute of Science, under the supervision of Oded Goldreich and Moni Naor, and was a Raviv Postdoctoral fellow in the Cryptographic Research Group at the IBM T.J.Watson Research Center in 2002-2004.

I was the co-founder and CEO of a company called Unbound Security that used secure multiparty computation to protect cryptographic keys and secrets of all types. In January 2022, Unbound Security was acquired by Coinbase.

Talk by Lindell Yehuda about MPC's

Research Interests

My main research interests are in the field of cryptography, with a focus on secure multiparty computation (MPC).
My research concentrates both on questions of feasibility and efficiency, as well as practical implementations. Research on feasibility asks what cryptographic tasks can be realized and under what assumptions, and is related to the theoretical foundations of cryptography. Research on efficiency focus on the construction of efficient cryptographic schemes and protocols that have rigorous proofs of security and correctness. Today, MPC has transitioned from a theoretical notion to a tool that is used commercially. My research on practical implementations studies the use of MPC (and cryptography in general) to solve current business needs.


select publications:

Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC)

Fast Secure Multiparty ECDSA with Practical Distributed Key Generation and Applications to Cryptocurrency Custody.

Better Bounds for Block Cipher Modes of Operation via Nonce-Based Key Derivation.

Fast Secure Two-Party ECDSA Signing.

How To Simulate It – A Tutorial on the Simulation Proof Technique

Simple Three-Round Multiparty Schnorr Signing with Full Simulatability


select Videos:

Introduction to MPC, virtual meetup, January 2021
Introduction to Cryptography (in Hebrew), course given at Bar-Ilan University in 2018-2019.
Fast Secure Two Party ECDSA Signing (22 minutes), CRYPTO conference, 2017.
Building Blockchain Wallets – Challenges and Solutions (13th BIU Winter School), 2023
Building Blockchain Wallets – Technical Details (13th BIU Winter School), 2023
Conservative Cryptographic Design for Threshold Signing and More, Stanford Science of Blockchain Conference 2022
The MPC Journey from Theoretical Foundations to Commercial Technology Invited Talk at CRYPTO 2022
OMG! People are actually implementing my papers! Invited Talk at TPMPC 2022


 (Webpages for courses)

Introduction to Cryptography (89-656)

Foundations of Cryptography (89-856/89-653)

Topics in Applied Cryptography (89-658)

Introduction to Coding Theory (89-662)

Students, Postdocs and Visitors



Introduction to Modern Cryptography, 3rd Edition

The preface and table of contents is available for perusal. More details on the book, including errata and book reviews, can be found here.

See CRC and Amazon for purchase information.


Tutorials on the Foundations of Cryptography (Dedicated to Oded Goldreich)

See Amazon for purchase information.

Go here for online access.


Introduction to Modern Cryptography, 2nd Edition

The preface and table of contents is available for perusal. More details on the book, including errata and book reviews, can be found here.

See CRC and Amazon for purchase information.


11th International Conference on the Theory of Cryptography (TCC 2014)

Go here for online access.


Efficient Secure Two-Party Protocols: Techniques and Constructions

The preface, table of contents and introduction are available for perusal. More details on the book (including errata) can be found here, and a review of the book that appeared in SIGACT NEWS can be found here.

See the Springer website or Amazon for purchase information, and go here for online access.


Introduction to Modern Cryptography

The preface, table of contents and index and introduction are available for perusal. More details on the book, including errata and book reviews, can be found here. A solutions manual, containing solutions to all of the exercises in the book, can be obtained directly from the publisher by any instructor who adopts the book.

See CRC and Amazon for purchase information, and download the promotional flyer.


Composition of Secure Multi-Party Protocols – A Comprehensive Study

More details can be found here.

See purchase information and online access.

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